Discover How Good Your Life Can Be

Feeling stuck?                                                                                               

Making a transition?

Facing a crisis?

Need clarity?

Ready to feel inspired and energized?

Spiritual Life Coaching is amazing!

Spiritual life coaching helps you discover your life purpose, inspiration, and reason for being. Your first intuitive consultation can bring about marvellous internal transformations with immediate benefits to your sense of empowerment and well-being. A private intuitive consultation with Wilhelmina helps clarify your goals, improve your ability to tune into intuitive wisdom, and determine the most effective actions to take and plans to make for maximum results. In the supportive environment of spiritual life coaching sessions, you can say anything without being judged while breaking free from fears--spoken and unspoken--that have been holding you back, in order to better see an expanded horizon of possibilities from which to choose. Intuitive consultations can help you sort out how best to interact with people, ideas and things in your life for best results. Intuitive consultations can feel life-saving during times of personal and professional crises and challenges, and regenerating in calmer times. Every consultation with Wilhelmina has the power to assist you in deepening your relationship with your true self and the world in ways that furthers your spiritual, intuitive, and evolutionary growth as you explore your most beneficial options in a multiverse of infinite possibility.

Why Work with an Intuitive Coach?

Just as even the most successful Olympic athletes perform better with assistance from their coaches, you can benefit from intuitive insights that help you better see both the big picture and a clear view of yourself at the top of your game. Coaching decreases your stress levels as you make life changes, helping you better utilize your natural gifts. When you better and more deeply understand your role in your life story so far, and come to appreciate your own unique hero's journey, you can:

  • Better hear your true calling
  • Learn new ways to respond to difficult people and situations
  • Make balanced, focused decisions and life plans
  • Get unstuck so you can reach personal and professional goals
  • Discover your natural gifts and a sense of life purpose
  • Bring your dreams into reality
  • Receive validation for your intuitive insights
  • Make graceful life transitions

Wilhelmina's Life Coaching Methodology

Wilhelmina was one of the world’s first Spiritual Life Coaches, providing spiritual life coaching services since 2003.  Prior to 2003 and in the workforce, Wilhelmina realized that co-workers would always seek her out to discuss and receive advice about issues in their personal lives.  Wilhelmina took this as an unmistakeable sign to announce her Spiritual Life Coaching services to the world. 

The nature of each session with Wilhelmina is highly individual, since your needs are ever-changing, and no other person is exactly like you. Sometimes you may need energy healing, other times you may require assistance figuring out what to do next in your life or how to deal with a particular challenge. Wilhelmina can help you align yourself with your spiritual gifts and higher purpose to feel prosperous and successful in every area of your life, understand the inner messages and lessons to be learned discover your goals and visions, and find insights into your personal and business relationships. Wilhelmina can help you choose between various possibilities to create the life you most desire, as she encourages you to see through the obstacles to your desired goals for health, prosperity, and happiness.

Wilhelmina provides individualized coaching to help develop your unique intuitive gifts, and assist you in making full use of your one-of-a-kind divine gifts. As your intuitive spiritual advocate, Wilhelmina helps you live true to your most authentic self in daily life, making heartfelt decisions that bring you the deepest and most genuine satisfaction and delight.

Sessions typically last one hour, allowing adequate time to address all your most important questions and concerns.

Each session takes into consideration your specific questions and intentions for the consultation, and weaves your questions and intent into a balanced whole with intuitive messages.

 To Schedule Your Consultation


 Scheduling & Donations

Scheduling consultations is done by email to, so an appointed time can be reserved in advance. An appointment time is usually available within 5 days from a request for consultation. Most sessions are one hour telephone or Skype consultations, with follow-up sessions any time from one week to 2 weeks later.

Many types of consultations are available including: telephone, Skype, email, private chat room, and in person in the Melton, Victoria area. 

24-hour notice is required for an appointment to be cancelled or rescheduled. 

Donations are made by the secure PayPal "Donate" button (for credit cards or electronic bank transfer), prior to the consultation. Please designate this as a GIFT on PayPal. When you mark this transaction as a gift, PayPal does not charge the additional amount they otherwise subtract. Donation can be sent by credit card or electronic bank transfer using this secure PayPal Donate button:


15 Minutes   $50.00

30 Minutes   $60.00

45 Minutes   $145.00
60 Minutes   $120.00
2 Hours        $240.00